Newtown Square's Hometown Monthly Magazine
Mailed to homes and also read online!

Building Your Business
in Our Community

We are residents with a passion for our community.

We support local businesses, worthy causes, schools, charities, nonprofits and fundraisers!

Let’s Talk

Sign up now for up to 12 months of free advertising and free ad design.

Contribute. Celebrate. Prosper.

A “Community Based Approach” to Grow Your Business

We are offering you a partnership relationship with reciprocity rather than a one-way street that most advertising offers. Our sponsors are chosen in the area of reputation, customer service and expertise. Residents want to do business with our sponsors because they are trusted and reliable and because they care about our community. We offer a unique and effective way for you to stay visible and present in our community and continue to be a good community partner. We put you on every kitchen counter, every coffee table, as well as every laptop, and mobile device.

A Unique Business Opportunity

Connect with the Residents of Newtown Square

Our two-touch program combines the trust and longevity of print with the reach and repetition of digital. The expert contributor position allows you to write an educational piece that positions you as the expert in your field, builds name recognition and builds trust with our residents. We only allow one expert contributor per specialty, so don’t miss out!.

  • Build Authority
  • Gain Exclusive Access
  • Receive Preferred Referrals
  • Contribute & Grow

Get 12 Months of Free Advertising

If your company has a stellar reputation and you would like to be considered a preferred vendor for your product or service, we invite you to meet with us and learn about becoming a sponsor for our community.

Fill out this form for up to 12 months of free advertising and free ad design.

    * Required field

    Newtown Square Friends & Neighbors Magazine FAQ

    We don’t mean to be, but some months we are! We have many volunteers and some of us are paid.

    Our two-touch program combines the trust and longevity of print with the reach and repetition of digital. All of our packages are custom because we build them around what you need. But generally speaking our pricing starts around $500/month.

    A one month campaign works better as a “Call to Action”. This offer is usually made to clients offering a significant discount, such as Groupon. This attracts a very price conscious customer. That is not what we do. We show local businesses how to think like big brands, using a two-phased process of TOMA (top of mind awareness) and feeling good. We keep you present long-term month in and month out by combining the long term proven success model used by all major brands. Our sponsors have (at least) a 5-year plan for growth and many of them renew with us to continue their long term growth, staying visible and present in our community.

    We allow charities to advertise with us for free and nonprofits at a nominal cost.

    The problem with advertising many times is that companies are constantly saying “look at me” in a crowded market. They struggle with how to make themselves remarkable or memorable. In order to get attention, they think that they have lower prices, offer discounts and to expand the service area in order to be successful. We all know that people who pay the least complain the most. And there is no loyalty, the minute you are not the cheapest, they are on to another vendor.Well, what we do is bring you more warm referrals and increase the word of mouth. Residents want to do business with our sponsors because they are trusted and reliable and because they care about our community, not solely based on price. There is a reciprocity, not a one way street.

    Schedule a free consultation with us.

    Learn – about our neighbors and our community

    We share ideas, stories, pictures and events. We have no writing staff or hired agencies, we are simply residents with a passion for our community. Do you know a resident with an amazing story or special talent? We’d love to talk to them.

    Share – find and recommend the best, local trusted businesses with our neighbors

    We rely on the support of our sponsors/advertisers each month. They care about our community and want to earn your business. Please thank our advertisers by hiring and recommending them. Do you know an amazing business that would like to be a part of our community? We’d love to talk to them.

    Support – local businesses, worthy causes, schools, charities, nonprofits and fundraisers

    We support hundreds of nonprofits, charities and events. Do you have a worthy cause that we should support? Please reach out to us.

    • Has a 5-year plan for growth
    • Would like to concentrate more business in their immediate area and stay off the highways
    • Need a way to educate people on what they do and why they’re different
    • Want more clients that see the value of their work and not just the price
    • Are sick of coupons that attract someone who is only looking for the best price
    • Need to increase their word of mouth referrals
    • Would like to do larger jobs
    • Would like to attract a client that wants a relationship and not a discount

    The expert contributor position allows you to write an educational piece that positions you as the expert in your field, builds name recognition and builds trust with our residents. We only allow one expert contributor per specialty, so don’t miss out!.

    We began as an idea to bring neighbors together with a free community magazine delivered to every mailbox and published online. Dozens of Newtown Square residents contribute articles, stories and pictures. We stay away from politics and other divisive issues. We are a monthly publication written by the community and for the community. Every month we celebrate the community that we live in and this gives you a positive platform to promote your business. We support hundreds of fundraisers, events, nonprofits and charities.

    Businesses are the beneficiary of all the good will, positive reputation and popularity that we provide.

    Please check us out online everywhere and see what people are saying about us!

    I look forward to talking with you to see if we can come up with a custom solution that meets your needs.

    We have thousands of magazines across the United States and Canada. Where are you looking to grow your business?